The Benefits of Cold Water Swimming



Over the last year myself and Zak have taken to open water swimming. It started as a little bit of fun on a hot day when we were on a hike and decided to have a spontaneous dip in a lake. From that moment we were hooked! We fell in love with open water swimming and the sense of freedom that comes with it.


Besides being a fun and free activity, open water swimming has many physical and mental health benefits including relieving anxiety, stress and depression, whilst also boosting the immune system and libido. It’s also a wonderful way to exercise while feeling more connected to nature.



5 benefits of cold water swimming

1 | Boosts your immune system

Open water swimming in colder water helps boost your immune system. The cold water causes your white blood count to increase, helping to fight infections and boost your immune system by activating antibodies and increasing metabolic rate. It also helps to flush your circulation pushing blood through your arteries, capillaries and veins as well as flushing any impurities giving you a better feeling of wellbeing.

2 | Improves your circulation

When we become cold it causes blood to rush to our organs, making our hearts work a little bit harder. Therefore every time you swim outdoors, the cold water helps to boost your circulation by pumping blood through your capillaries, arteries and veins.

3 | Creates a natural high - helping to relieve anxiety, stress and depression.

Diving into cold water releases endorphins – a chemical produced by the brain to make us feel good during activities. This gives us a natural high which helps us fight anxiety and depression. Our bodies also release dopamine and serotonin when we swim in cold water, which helps us to feel happy. Combine this with the benefits of exercising and you have a powerful and natural way to inject happiness into your life.

4 | Helps to burn calories

Swimming in colder water makes your body work harder to keep warm, which increases the number of calories you burn. The colder the water, the more energy your body will convert from fat to fire up your metabolism and keep your core temperature stable.

5 | Increases libido

Interestingly, cold water swimming can also help increase your sex drive (how crazy!) Traditionally, cold water was seen to repress sexual urges but it actually increases them! A dip in cold water has been found to boosts oestrogen and testosterone production, which translates to an increased libido. Libido is often identified as ‘the sex urge’ or ‘desire for pleasure/satisfaction. However, the benefits of increased libido can also include more confidence, higher self-esteem, and enhanced mood.


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