What is The Good Life?


The Good Life is a movement to inspire others to chase their dreams, no matter how big or small, and to live their best lives by doing what makes them truly happy.


What does the good life mean to you?

When we looked up the definition of the ‘good life’ we saw a lot of things mentioning financial success and living a life of luxury. But to us, the ‘good life’ is about being rich in experiences. It’s about being truly, internally happy and doing what you love. For us, that’s being outside and seeing the beautiful world we live in through travelling.

We started the good life in summer 2021 as a way to document our adventures, meet like-minded people and inspire others to live their best lives. Through The Good Life we hope to build a community of like-minded, positive individuals who encourage each other to take the leap and chase their dreams no matter how big or small.

Throughout our lives we have both felt a certain craving for adventure and freedom, and from that the pursuit of that The Good Life was born. Our lack of interest in living the standard life brought us together. From our first proper conversation talking about how we longed to travel the world, and Beth discussing her long time desire to turn a van into in a tiny home on wheels, it was clear that we were going to create something beautiful together.

We are only at the beginning of our journey and have a long way to go, but we are chasing our dreams and we hope can inspire you along the way.


Join us on our journey!


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